How are the flight results ranked ?

Usually, the flight results are ordered by price. They include the best offers among all flights and airlines for a dedicated search. (An exhaustive list is available here !)

On our desktop and mobile versions here are the ranking options available :
  • Relevance : We use a home made self-learning algorithm to better sort out results. It takes into account several criteria such as flight time, comfort and price. 
  • Flight time : You can easily sort out the results based on the flight time, from the shortest to the longest.
  • CO₂ emissions : We have added the option to sort out by CO₂ emissions from the less emitting flight to the most. This help you choose the less CO₂ emitting flights. 


We keep a close contact with partners, providers and airlines referenced in our web site.

Is our flight results ranking influenced by any commercial incentive ?

Selling air tickets can bring different incentives from both providers or airlines to Option Way, nevertheless this will never influence the flight result order.