Covid-19 : Airlines safety measures for a safe travel

Last update : July 1st 2020

Before any booking or any travel, it is imperative to check beforehand the conditions to enter the country of destination (and/or of stopover).

Airlines have recently implemented many hygiene measures to ensure the safety of passengers and crews on board. We kindly invite you to read them carefully before flying.

The onboard experience will be different depending on the airline but some changes are global. These measures aim to respect the social distancing and to avoid interactions between passengers, ground crews and crews. Masks are mandatory to travel with most of airlines, online check-in is strongly recommended and cabin-bag policy can be altered. Moreover, airlines also recommend to go to the airport in advance to go through the security check calmly while respecting social distancing and airports safety measures.
We kindly invite you to read the measures in detail by clicking on the following links and visiting airlines websites :