Covid-19 : Airports safety measures

Before any booking or any travel, it is imperative to check beforehand the conditions to enter the country of destination (and/or of stopover).

International and French airports have implemented hygiene measures to ensure the safety of passengers and airports staffs. Kindly find below a non-exhaustive list of the new airports safety measures :

- In compliance with the French decree of May 11th 2020, masks are mandatory inside French airports terminals. Please note that not wearing a mask may result in a 135€ fine. Masks are also mandatory in many international airports.

- Implementation of protective screens between airport staffs and passengers (especially at check-in and boarding counters).

- Cleaning and sanitizing of frequented areas.

- Floor markings and signs to ensure the social distancing inside terminals.

- Hand sanitizer dispensers are available in different spots at the airport.    
- Temperature checking before boarding. Any passenger with fever or symptoms may be denied for boarding.
We strongly recommend to go earlier to the airport to have enough time. Moreover, if offered, check-in online is strongly recommended to avoid contact and maintain social distancing.
Before your departure, we kindly invite you to visit the destination airport, arrival airport and airline website for carefully reading the flights and destination conditions.  
You'll find below a non-exhaustive list of safety measures implemented by French airports :

You'll find below a non-exhaustive list of safety measures implemented by European and international airports :